
risk of exposure中文什么意思

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  1. how can one reduce the risks of exposure to lead
  2. risks of exposure
  3. there is no vaccine for hepatitis c; the only way to prevent it is to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus
  4. recommendations on minimizing the risk of exposure to aflatoxin are put forward to the trade and the public
  5. recommendations on minimizing the risk of exposure to aflatoxin are put forward to the trade and the public


        exposure risk:    敞口风险
        risk exposure:    风险暴露(风险敞口); 风险承担
        credit risk exposure:    信用风险敞口
        exposure to exchange risk:    承受汇兑风险
        exposure to foreign exchange risk:    承受外汇风险
        exposure to translation risk:    折算风险暴露
        financial risk; financial exposure:    财务风险
        measure of risk exposure:    衡量风险承担的方法
        risk management; exposure management:    风险管理
        risk weighted exposure:    加权风险值
        exposure:    n. 1.曝露;曝晒;揭发。 2.【摄影】曝光;胶卷[软片]张数;曝光时间。 3.(房屋的)朝向,方位。 4.商品的陈列。 5.【历史】(婴儿的)曝弃。 exposure meter 曝光表。 correct exposure 适度曝光。 There are three exposures left on this film. 这个胶卷剩下三张没拍。
        exposure to:    暴露,显露;曝光; 受到
        at risk:    有风险,存在风险; 与某种疾病患者有接触史的; 在危险中,有危险
        at the risk of:    冒的危险; 冒...的危险, 有...的危险/可能; 冒……危险; 冒险; 冒着...危险
        no risk:    不负风险; 无危险
        not a risk:    承保一笔业务
        not at risk:    不在保险范围内; 没有风险
        not on risk:    不在保险范围内
        of risk:    保险责任终止
        on risk:    承保中
        risk:    n. 1.风险,危险;冒险。 2.【保险】(损失的)风险(率);保险金额;被保险人,被保险物。 at all risks=at any [whatever] risk 无论冒什么危险,一定,无论如何。 at one's own risk 对可能发生的后果自己负责,自担风险。 at owner's[buyer's] risk 由所有人[购买者]负责。 at the risk of 冒着…的危险。 run risks [a risk] 冒险;run [take] the risk of 冒…的危险。 take a risk [risks] 冒险;【保险】承保…的险。 take no risks 慎重行事。 vt. 冒…的危险;拼着,赌着(性命);好歹试试看,冒险去干。 risk a battle 冒险一战。 risk one's fortune [life] 拼着财产〔性命〕。 risk the jump 大着胆子跳跳看。 risk sb.'s anger 冒着某人可能会生气的风险;抱着受某人责备的决心试试看。 risk it 豁出去。
        the risk of:    冒之危险
        exposure,radiographic exposure:    曝光,射线照相曝光
        emergency risk unknown risk:    意外风险
        extraneous risk, additional risk:    附加险


        risk of exposure meaning: Noun: risk of exposure The probability of being exposed to an infectious agent - risk Derived forms: risks of exposure Type of: chance , probability


  1. risk of acceptance 什么意思
  2. risk of capsizing 什么意思
  3. risk of change of flavour 什么意思
  4. risk of clashing&breakage 什么意思
  5. risk of craft and/or lighter 什么意思
  6. risk of failure of insulation 什么意思
  7. risk of flashback 什么意思
  8. risk of hearing impairment for conversation sound 什么意思
  9. risk of heat 什么意思
  10. risk of incorrect acceptance 什么意思


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